How to control the mind seems to have always been a great problem for most people. In the holy Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna laments to Shri Krishna, “O Krishna, my mind is very restless. It constantly agitates my senses. It is extremely stubborn and resists all attempts to control it. It is just as difficult to control as it is to control strong winds.”
Maharishi Patanjali has defined dhyana, meditation as “Tatra pratyayaikatanata dhyanam”- A continuous flow of a perception or a thought is Dhyana (meditation). A state in which there is unbroken current of only one thought.
Meditation is like washing the mind of all disturbances and distractions, and thoughts. Regular meditation opens the avenues of intuition, knowledge, makes the mind calm and steady.
All the pains and sufferings we experience are in the realm of body and mind; through meditation we learn that we are something beyond the body, breath, prana, mind and intellect.
Meditation begins when we have learnt to keep the body steady and relaxed, sthira and sukha; the breath serene and long and the right intention to meditate – which is to be present and centred, concentrated.
As the seventh rung on the eight steps to Yoga of Patanjali, when the preparation is good, meditation is effortless and natural.
When the mind watches the mind, the mind and its processes cease; the activity of constantly rising waves of thoughts slow down. When the breath deepens, it becomes subtler and all the thoughts that arise in form of words, are dissolved into the silence.
The relaxed stillness of the body itself will bring quietude; and with surrender to the object of your love and devotion in form of a Guru or ishta devata will bring the sweetness of silence in your heart.